Tuesday 9 August 2016

Why IIT?

Hi friends,

So, as is evident from the title, I am going to talk about one of the few topics that I know about, wait.... make that - that I think I know about. 

So, why this geeky topic, which almost no one on the internet cares about? I don't know, it just came to me that i should enlighten young minds blindly following the IIT brand, very much like me in the past few years.

So, the most natural question, why IIT?
I won't bore you with my history (as many of you are scared of it, as myself  ;) ). There are many possible reasons for a child of 16 to want to go to IIT-

  1. First and foremost, family pressure.
  2. Family environment (not pressure, mind). (My case)
  3. Having heard that IIT is a very good college from their friends and IITians get very good packages.
  4. Want to run from all the other subjects that are not really taught in a very good manner in our schools. (Yeah History and Biology, talking about you.) 
  5. Really want to study PCM (Yeah, I have seen such rare cases too.)
  6. Many other stupid reasons have been omitted for your sake.

If a student is reading this, don't worry, when you get here, you'll get enough reasons to thank the people who forced you to go in an IIT. (And by the way, you should be studying PCM right now ;). )

But the question remains, why IIT? 
IIT may have the best set of professors, I don't know, I haven't seen any of the other ones but still IIT is much more than just academics, we are not just a bunch of nerds staying in very large campuses (contrary to popular belief :(. ), we live our lives to the fullest. Don't trust me? Just search Rendezvous or Mood Indigo or Spring Fest or.......(the list is very long, but you don't have enough time). IIT is an experience, a journey most of the people don't get to experience. The exposure you get here is not available anywhere else in India. Before the people of other universities start calling me names I won't even understand, not many colleges in India give this much exposure, this much to learn, only a very few do (you can assume that your college does, no problem.).

 You, want to go to a foreign university for a semester to gain some international exposure? You'll get it. You want a fabulous internship to feel industry's demand and pace, you're at the right place. Wanna be a writer (be a good one please), want to do a masters, we have the right ambience here. Wanna do, well, anything? Welcome to IIT.  And, how can I forget in Modiji's rule? You, wanna do a startup? We got your back.

There's a lot to do here, a lot of activities, a lot of friends to make, a lot of studies too :P  You can take part in anything you wish to do, anything that piques your interest. IIT's won't disappoint you (except the hostels, maybe, but you'll get used to it sooner or later, and enjoy it too.)

So, when everyone tells you," Do saal padhle beta, fir to maje hai.", don't trust them but believe them at the same time. IIT is a platform, a base for you to grow, not the end of your, journey, but the beginning ( as I have been told by every  professor whose lecture I have attended ;). )

Hope to see you here in Delhi (Of course, I had to brag :) )
Sanyam Chhangani

P.S. (for boys only) - You'll feel the sex ratio problem of India all those biggies have been                                   talking about, here for the first time ;)

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