Sunday 2 April 2017

Please don't die

When I opened facebook today, I was pleasantly surprised to see my wall flooded with posts which showed that we focus on the things that matter, rather than just poltu conversations in hostels. This is a sad moment for all of us. One of our own brothers has tried to end his life because of the immense pressure to excel, to live up to his expectations. There are many things in life which we have to struggle with, in some we shine, in others, we do not. But never ever a failure can be a cause to end this life, for not only we have to fail at some point, but also we have people around us who care for us, not our achievements. Although everyone is saying that you are always welcome to talk to me, my door's always open, I do not agree with that proposition. There are two people who will always support you, with whom you can always talk about any problem you face. Your parents are one's you should always approach, no matter what you feel, you should talk with them if you are feeling low. This will always be more relieving than talking to anyone whom you have met a year ago and haven't even fully known yet. So go, have a long conversation with your mother, you will get to know that you are more to her than a set of achievements. You have a long way to go, don't give up here.